Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jump Start

Quick, does anyone have some jumper cables I can borrow? No, my car is just fine. It's me; I'm the one in need of a jump start.

That herb garden I want to build - hasn't been done, except for an idea of what I want. Those paints in your closet that have been packed away since *GASP* November! when I moved in - untouched. That cute little chalk board that I saw on a blog that I have coveted and want to make for myself - just a twinkle in my eye. The Florida room needs new curtains, paint and some rearranging - that I need help with, but it still needs to be done.

I can't figure out why I can't get myself going. Do I need my own space to create? Does the dreaded TV suck me in and steal my ambition?

I'm gonna start with making goals for myself and writing them here, out in the world, so that I have to follow through.

First, let's start with making a space to do these things. Once the Florida room is finished I will get an art table in there to keep my things and create a space for myself. Next, let's make that chalk board so I can write down what my next project will be and keep me focused.

That's enough for now - I will keep you posted on how things are going and report back here. I'll even post pictures of my projects and keep the blog updated.
This should be fun!